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Sep 24, 2012


first day of class!
it went well.
but then got messy afterwards.

had my first two bioen classes
they sounded super hard
but professors were nice.

had lunch with frances and met with other friends at the HUB
love HUB cuz it's like my first quarter with the HUB opened.
then i had my biofutures class.
it's an interesting class; very similar to the public health genomics class i took.

then went to the box office to get my freaknight ticket with Ben.
took bus from there to SLU lab.
this was where i started to mess things up.

so when i'm getting off the bus i accidentally dropped my iphone and then someone picked it up for me
and i got all nervous and stuff so i just kind of rushed off the bus
later i figured out that i forgot to pay for my ride D:
i'm so sorry.

then i found out that i forgot to bring my access card with me to the lab :((
so i have to go to the reception to get someone in my lab to open the door for me.

then i met someone from our class and i couldn't really hear what she was talking about
cuz i had all those thought rushing through my head.
so i kind of messed up the conversation with her... :(

jeez... hope i will not mess things up anymore tonight.

i tend to mess things up when i messed something up before hand because i get all nervous and panicky.
calm down daniel.
you can only be productive and clear-thinking when you're calm.

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