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Sep 29, 2013


Sorry guys.
I've been a bit busy since school started.

Seattle backs to it rainy days
Grey and chilly windy and rainy

I love my classes 
They're super interesting

I had a lunch with my friend F
And we went grocery shopping
It's good to see F. It's been a while.
Gonna hang out with her more in the future. 
And went to my psychiatrist appointment. Talked with him. Excited to see him again next week. I want to improve my mental health you know. I'm always stressed and self conscious.
And went to a birthday party that night.
It was fun.

went to happy hours with my friends, C and C, in downtown that evening.
Food was really good.

I did laundry.
And yeh.

Studied throughout the weekend.
 Oh and I also got my gre scores
Did really well on math. I'm on the 84 percentile.
62 percentile on reading
And 14 percentile on writing :(
I think I'm gonna take another gre exam again.

It's Sunday now.
Having brunch with my friends, K and C right now.
Gonna study more later.


Sep 25, 2013

wednesday first day of school

hey guys so it's the first day of school.
the classes, CSE 142, BIOEN 498 tissue culturing and tissue engineering are interesting.
i love my classes.
and having a bike is just awesome. i can maneuver around campus in speed.
oh and i met P, my high school friend, for lunch.
probably going to see him later tonight. i invited him to Wells.
gonna drink with him and my friends :D

Sep 24, 2013


went to the career fair

disappointed that there're only like 5 companies there.
but still i had some talk with the representatives
i also met some of my bioengineering friends!!
oh and to my surprise while i was walking back home
i met P, a good friend of my from high school who goes to UC for college.
i haven't talked to him for at least a year!
he's just there!! :D he's presenting his working in the BMES.
we're arranging a time to meet and i want to see his presentation too. :P
anyway, i'm doing good and school starting tmr :/
i guess it's time to get to work!

Sep 23, 2013


so far so productive
went to Hall Health to get some tests done.
then had a free hot chocolate with my loyalty card on campus and had lunch too.
then i fixed my resume and prepared for my portfolio with my friend. career fair is tmr.
and there're supposed to be a lab meeting now but i couldn't find anyone in the meeting room so yeh.
a grad student of my lab drove me back and dropped me off on campus. thanks!
and yeh school's starting in like less than 2 days :/

Sep 22, 2013

my photo was featured on Flickr blog!!!

hey guys my freelensing photo is featured on the Flickr blog! :D



Friday was ok. Woke up at 5 something am then went volunteering. I pushed cart around and helped move stuff for the incoming residents. It was rewarding. I like helping people but it also reminded me that I moved all by myself and that was depressing.

Then I went to a career fair workshop. I learned some new things I should do to become a step closer toward my future career.
Went out that night but having stomach problem so I didn't drink much. We went to Baltic room and it was pretty fun.

Saturday was interesting very interesting.
Got into some pretty interesting things.

Sunday was so far so good.

Sep 19, 2013


hey guys
i feel so relieved right now.
just took the GRE and i got 154 on verbal and 162 on quantitative.
yeh as usual, perfect on math but ok on english

and yesterday was fun.
went to the training for the volunteer i'm doing tomorrow.
we got free food, free t-shirt, and free water bottle.
anyway, i also went grocery shopping with my friend because i have to spend all the $60 on my husky card. we bought a lot of food :)
and i also went to a psychiatrist to talk about things because i was so stressed and couldn't focus on studying.

tomorrow is going to be rough. have to wake up before 6:45 am :(

oh and my best friend, F, is back to Seattle!! :)
we're going to party on Sunday! can't wait to see her.

Sep 17, 2013


On Sunday, I checked out from the room and was done with everything related to moving.
Monday was awesome. Went to a birthday dinner of a friend, T, invited by my friend. We had dinner at our favorite restaurant. It's like my first really American style birthday party. There're like the birthday crown, the noise-making-when-blowing thing, and candy bracelet.
Then we went to a wine bar after the din din.
I had a very great time.
Tuesday was ok.
Wednesday I have to go to a training session for the volunteer I have to do on Friday.
Thursday I have to take the GRE :/ it's like SAT all over again.
Friday I have go to the moving volunteer by 6:45 am :( oh well I signed up for it so ill have to do it. No regret though because I love helping people! ;)

Sep 14, 2013

done with moving!!! :D

before i moved i took several pictures of things in my original room
so i can just put things in the exact same place when i move to the new room.

so after around 6 hours of crazy moving
i'm finally done with moving everything from a room to another room which look very similar to the original room.
i need a shower!!

the original room i stayed for the interim period.

the new (old) room

Moving is a bitch

Have been moving since like 12
It's 4 pm now 
I think I need at least one more hour


went to a lovely dinner with my friend on wednesday night. :)

on Thursday night we and another friend, R, went to Capitol Hill and we met two formerly strangers, B and Z, (but now friends), five of us went to a bar and played pool and we had lots of fun. i got pretty drunk.

Friday, help my friend moving stuff from north campus to west campus with a Uhal truck.

today is saturday. and it's my turn to move.
i got the keys back to my room which I've been living for 2 years (now it's the third year i'm living in the lovely room) 
i also got a cart :) which should help a lot.
i took several photos of the current set up in my room so i can just easily replicate the set up again when i finish moving.
i have 24 hours to move! 

Sep 11, 2013

Omg this is such a great comic


It's a poem by Sylvia Plath

“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.” 
But I'm pretty sure which fig I'm going to go for.
But there's still so much uncertainty. 
Sometimes I'm just to scared to think about it.

Sep 10, 2013


been hanging out with friends and helping them move recently
and get to drink almost everyday haha feeling happy.
anyway, i just had the tires of my bike pumped.
i realized weeks ago that my tires were kind of flat
(i think that's why i fell twice two almost three weeks ago plus i had a xanax earlier that day)

the bike repair stop is free on campus. the one beside kane hall isn't working so i walked my bike (with completely flat tires) to the one beside bagley hall

i'm going to move on this saturday and my friend will come and help.
next week is going to be crazy.
have to volunteer and also take my GRE and attend a workshop.

Sep 7, 2013

Friday and Saturday

Got some stuff done
And took a bus to my friend's place and met a friend of mine from photo club
We caught up a little and hope to see him around soon
Went out and had an awesome happy hour dinner with friend
Then we drank and took a cab to Capitol Hill
And we drank more.
Got drunk and had tons of fun.
Oh and drunk doing whatever was fun. 
I drunk instagramed and liked all the pictures haha
I took a vitamin B and also had a hot dog and drank lots of water before going to sleep and I felt awesome waking up today.
But not feeling really happy today.
Just lots of stuff on my mind 
Some personal stuff.

Sep 2, 2013


my weekend went really well.
i had a lot of fun with my friends
we just walked around campus and hung out
the weather's pretty nice a bit warm on some days though

going to my lab tmr on Tuesday
gotta learn how to do more cardio muscle cell differentiation.

not really excited for school to start though.
i don't want to have 9:30 classes :( but i have to.