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Oct 31, 2012

Happy halloween guys.

i dressed up as dubstep cat today.
caught some attention while walking around campus.

it's a cheap costume just as a clerk at the District Market told me.
yeh! it's super easy to make and it's awesome! because it's dubstep cat.

stereo skifcha from Denis Borisovich on Vimeo.

oh and i got super frustrated with this last night...
like WTF printer...
anyway, i ended up just gluing a whole new page over it.

Oct 30, 2012

Oct 29, 2012

Be safe, people on the east coast!

My brother is in NJ and the power was out many hours ago.
One of my friends also just called in from NYC and said that her power was out as well.
texted back and they haven't replied yet.

Be safe guys!

catching a cold

sore throat...
not feeling well...

a new week

so yeh...
had lots of fun at FreakNight.

the new week is starting and there're tons of works to do!!
mainly because we had 2 assignments postponed due to midterms last week.
so it's like we're catching up with stuff now.

i'll probably finish my freaknight post sometime this week.
i'll be super super busy.

have to go to bed now.

Oct 27, 2012

my costume

so yeh as i mentioned in my earlier post.
this was my original idea
thanks for taking the photo and great suggestion, Ben!

but then we thought there might be a lot of complications if I'm wearing all those black makeup on my face.
so then this is my final makeup

stay tuned for my freaknight post!
i had all the photos now but still have to edit the videos! ;)

i'll be talking a little bit about Molly in my post so stay tuned.

I'll post stuff about Freaknight later this weekend.

have to get the photos developed first
and do some video editing
and do homework... yeh back to really life...
but last night was fun!

Oct 26, 2012

my halloween costume

dressing up as the apple ipod commercial people.
first i painted my whole face black
and it wasn't a good idea at all since i'm going to sweat and the paint is going to dissolve all over my face.
and some people might think i'm dressing up as african americans, which is totally not true but yeh.
so i washed it off and just painted a apple logo on my face.
thanks Ben for all the help and advice.

i dressed up all black and i have neon shoe laces!!! :D
also headphones!

Five hours left till freaknight!!

Omg I can't wait!!
Finished my 326 midterm it went well. A lot better than 325.

And I love my biofuture class so much! It's like my favorite class ever.
Talks about all stuff stuff I enjoy thinking about.

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Oct 25, 2012

productive week

did shit load of works.
just came back from photo club meeting. i'm elected as one of the officer. my objective: keep the club alive.

and i seriously can't wait for freaknight!!!!!!!
tomorrow night is going to be epic!!!

the map and set time looks awesome!!!!!

 Dada life, Armin, Nicky Romero!!!

omg they got rides and games!!!!

pictures from USC events

Never Let Me Go

so I have an assignment for my biofuture class
I have to write an analysis of a movie from a list.
hmmm... I want to watch... Splice! wait.... Never Let Me Go looks a bit less Hollywoodish. I'll watch this one then.
got some popcorn. plugged audio to my awesome speakers.

then I watched it and sobbed at the end of the movie... ;(
it's so sad...

even though i think i'm supposed to be studying for my 326 midterm on friday, i feel like doing something other than that cuz like... i don't know... have been doing too much stuff lately.

well. it's an awesome movie. highly recommended! and yes, it involves biofuture stuff.

and i personally think this quote stands out the most.
"You poor creatures. I wish I could help you."

Oct 23, 2012

my first midterm turned out fine

i got 69/100
the class average is 68
but then the std dev is like 16 or something.
i did... average... i guess. must do better next time!

and ummm i can't wait for FreakNight already!! so excited!

Oct 22, 2012

I guess I screwed up the midterm not surprising at all

Ran out of time.
Didn't finish 2 questions and there're 3 questions.
So I guess I'll at least get a 33.333%

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Midterm on Monday

So the professor called it a "quiz"
Which is totally wrong.
It's a god damn midterm.
I reviewed a bit. I mean like I understand the materials but I'm not sure how ill do on the test because its all problem solving.
He's going to give us problems and we'll have to solve it step by step.
I'm kind of confident but at the same time worried that I'm over confident...
I went to the review session but i didn't like really studied for it. Like i didnt sit down and review it.

:/ I guess I'll like screw up the test completely or something because that's usually what I do.

Still have like homework due Wednesday and Friday. Tons of reading due Friday.
That's still a lot of works.

Geez can't wait for the week to end already!! I am going to party so freaking hard on Friday!!
Always remember study hard, party hard!

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Oct 21, 2012

is being in relationship just a social construction?

so I've been single for 20 years now going to hit 21 years in March.
I don't really care about being single most of the time.
I enjoy the freedom of doing whatever I want.
But sometime I feel lonely. I feel like I want to be with someone.

So here comes the question,
Is being in relationship just a social construct? or is it ultimately what we, as human beings, always long for?

Throughout our life, we've all been taught (in many ways) that we all should get into a relationship and eventually get married. 
Well, getting married is definitely a social construct because marriage is itself a social term. Don't even get me started on marriage. haha.
We've watched movies where people (most of the time, a male protagonist and another female character) get in love and live happily ever after.
We've seen couples holding hands, hugging, kissing... you name it, on advertisements.
And most importantly, we've watched our parents, the closest couple you'd ever live with before you have your own relationship, living together.
All teach us either explicitly or implicitly that being in a relationship is one of the goal in our life or else you can't live normally. 
And of course when I say "living normally," it is referring to how most people in our society live their lives; it is the average lifestyle, the norm.
As I've pointed out, being in relationship sure does include a lot of social aspects.

I'm pretty sure there're a lot of emotional aspects to it as well (as a weak social constructionism).
Remember the times you feel like you want to be with someone, you feel like you want to tell someone about how you've been, you feel like you want to have a great time with someone? (apart from friends, I'm referring to someone "special")
It's really hard to distinguish between a social construct and a true human emotion when all of us have been living in the society for such a long time. We're all trained to think in a certain way.
What is the fundamental of being in a relationship anyways?
I personally believe there's only one fundamental and that is sex.
Yes, sex.
We're all animals and our goal is to reproduce.
I believe this is the most significant emotional aspect to being in a relationship.
Sex is clearly not a social construct as it is programmed in our brain since birth.

So next time when you're feeling lonely, it might be that you saw someone being in a relationship (or just the thought of living a "normal life" crosses your mind) or it might be that your "emotional drive" is urging you to do what you are supposed to do.

also i just search online a little bit and found a forum talking specifically about monogamy and marriage
it's somehow related to what I've been talking about
here's the forum

oh shit oh shit

thought the midterm review session was at 4th floor
so i stayed there and thought the review session was canceled and left.
and found out later that it's actually on third floor D:
imma rush there and ask a few questions now...

You used the whole meat. Beef Beef dinner.


Oct 20, 2012

the world is so much greater than what we experience everyday

so many stories untold
so many people unknown
so many places untraveled

Oct 19, 2012

and i'm screwing up my research lab work cuz i haven't been going to the lab for two weeks :(

i don't know
it's hard to keep up with high quality school work with so much stuff I'm dealing with lately... bed bugs, att cellular plan, photo club.
i mean i have to deal with them but they're taking away my time and i haven't been to the gym for a week now.
i guess i'm just not working hard enough to manage my time...

just received a reply from my weekly report from my PI saying that I haven't been working enough in lab and if I can't fulfill the requirement, I'll have to go to another lab...
i responded just now saying that i'm sorry and blah blah...

hope everything will work out fine.

such a nice weather for Pho

just received the ballot!
i'm gonna cast my vote!! and make a change.

found this post on reddit

this is what i felt when we got a day-off because of the snow storm last winter.

haha sometime i do this in a party... i love following people.

tons of rain lately.

so they said i don't have bed bug problem
anyways, i cleaned my room completely. i hope that will solve the problem.

went to photo club meeting yesterday. helped carried studio equipment in a ridiculous shower.
got all soaked when i was back to my room. i also stepped into a huge and deep puddle... :(
i had my clothes and shoes dried up with my awesome little fan.

i love my biofuture class. it's so thought stimulating. like thoughts related to stuff about life.
like we talked about disabilities today and how left-handedness should fit into the picture.

gonna get stuff done this weekend.
have 2 midterms next week...
and after that it's freaking Freaknight!!! gonna party so hard!!!

Oct 18, 2012


and went to photo club...
you know what, i don't feel like writing a blog entry now...
i just want to get shits done.

Oct 16, 2012

went back home
saw the traps

got all my stuff out of my room

vacuumed the whole damn room
also washed and dried bed sheet, comforter, pillow and pillow cases.
also did some laundry.
got all my stuff back into my room
and now it's 9:30 pm, got my dinner from Thai-ger
i can finally sit and down study? or relax...?

even though i only got like 4 hours of sleep last night with the lights on

my stomach is doing surprisingly well.
and hope everything will go well
i just have to get myself together.

the situation

so i contacted with the RAs and they said the inspector will come in today and check my room.
and so i left the samples i collected yesterday on my bed.

i received an email from the RA
saying that they only saw carpet beetles
and that i have to clean up the cups with soapy water i made.

anyway, after i got back to my dorm
my bed again was disassembled. the mattress leaning to the wall, bed sheet, comforter, and pillows on my chair. and there's a note left by the inspector.

she said that they didn't see any bed bugs. but they saw carpet beetles in the sample.
but she'd taken my samples to be checked under microscope. she also put a few insect traps in my room which will be collected a week later.
and she also complemented me on the cups i made. she called it, "clim-up interceptors"; that's such a better name.
anyway, i have to wait for the result now but i'm still pretty sure i have bed bugs.

i guess this will resolve soon since i had my samples prepared.
i'm so proud of the way I deal with this problem with my science knowledge.
you know, the samples, and the "climb-up interceptors."

but sigh, now i have to clean up my room all over again. i will also vacuum my room.which is probably going to take the whole afternoon.

not so bad

so i ended up sleeping with the lights on
i also added 4 more cups filled with soapy water to the legs of my bed.

i didn't get so many new bites tonight.
maybe just a one or two new bites.

i opened my window so the cool dry air can flow in hopefully weakening the bastards.

also the clogged toilets are fixed!! :)
i don't have to wake up to clogged toilets :D

Ok I think I'm a little freaking out now.

So when I turned off the light and got in my bed, and sarcastically saying to myself, "come on out and feed on my blood, beg bugs," I couldn't stop thinking about how the bed bugs are hiding somewhere and are going to come out and suck my blood.
Just ewwww ewww and ewww.

I dunno after learning so much. I just can't stop thinking about it.

I'll probably leave my light and wear my sleep mask or eye mask on while I sleep. Hopefully light will keep them away!!??

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Thank you so much Andrew. U literally turned my situation around!

:) think positively and relax.

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having bed bugs in my room is so not mainstream!

thanks andrew for giving me a different perspective on the whole bed bug crisis.

bed bug i'm going to get you bastard!!!

so i made cups filled with soapy water.

the bed bugs are never going to come down from the suitcases ever again!!!!

don't mess with me bed bugs!

now all of our toilets are clogged....

FML really FML

Oct 15, 2012

"Occupants are instructed not to move to or sleep in anybody else’s room. Residents are given detailed instructions about laundering clothing and bedding needed for several weeks. Remaining items are bagged and small insecticidal strips are inserted into the bags, which are then stored in a secured location for three weeks until all bedbugs, if present, are dead. Items are then aired and ready to use."


from https://www.hfs.washington.edu/bedbuginfo/

so recently i have been bothered by this red itchy welts on my skin

i thought i was sick or something, but no it's taking too much time.
then i suspect allergy. but no i it just developed recently.

so then i thought it might be bed bugs.
i searched online and found that beg bugs bites itch like mosquito bites
and also the bite marks often form a line.
and i have like a line like that!!

so i looked up some tips to look for bed bugs.
and this is what my room looks like

and i actually found some beg bugs and their eggs on one of my suitcases D:
no wonder there's new itchy spot on my skin every time i wake up.
i used tape to collect them and put them in a ziploc bag.
i also treated the area with alcohol...

:(( have to rearrange all the stuff before i go to bed :(
and i don't even have time to study...
and probably report this to the housing service or something.
sigh so much trouble... i need more time...

Oct 14, 2012


went to IMA for 3 and a half hours! heck yes!!!
worked on my whole body except abs cuz i don't want to get stomachache after my work out.
hope i'll be back to gym on Tuesday! and Thursday!

also it's started raining since Friday.
Seattle weather is back!

and since my last photo club meeting, i've been noticing my surrounding much more than i used to be.
they were talking about fall color. the tress changing colors.
it's so beautiful when you actually notice them while you're walking on campus.
took this while i was on my way to IMA

sadly, i've been rushing to classes and have no time to enjoy the changing season.
but i'll get a chance on tuesday afternoon when the club members go out and take pic pic.

school work is on schedule. i guess. i've been trying really hard not to lag behind the class schedule and it has made my life super busy.
i'm going to start my biopower essay now. and also start the reading for biofuture class.

Oct 13, 2012

so much socializing this weekend.

i don't mean it's bad or anything.
it just feels different.

watched Pitch Perfect with Frances
and dealt with ATT shit
went to Bellevue today with a friend
i shopped a little bought a few tshirts cuz i'm always running out of tshirts.
and i love Gap.
got like 50% off everything when i joined their Gap visa card.

and i haven't been to IMA for like a week already :(
my muscles are clearly getting smaller... nooooo!!!
i am studying all the time and can't spare time anymore... my schedule is saturated.
sigh... i'm looking forward to FreakNight already. all those stress building up. gotta release them during the awesome party! can't wait to see so many DJs there including Dada life, Armin Van Buuren, and Nicky Romero!

anyway, gotta start studying now.

Oct 10, 2012

i cried out of happiness in my heart...

it's actually more than a year ago.

still super busy...

don't even have time to go to my lab :(
didn't go to IMA on Tuesday :(

and it's so cold and gloomy today...
i feel depressed.
i feel like my emotion is like directly related to the weather somehow...
let me make a chart and record it and see if there's any correlation.
but yeh... sad...

Oct 8, 2012

this is ridiculous

how many pens exactly do you want me to buy??
a thousand???
i fucking hate red pen!!!!


just set up the photography club meeting.
glad to make it running again.

gonna study now.

Oct 7, 2012

Omg I feel like banging my head on a wall or something

The homework problem is just so complicated...

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just finished Ubik (spoiler alert)

i was like halfway through the novel on friday.
and then i finished it Saturday night.
once i got to the climax, i just couldn't put the book down!

anyway, i like most part of the novel because it's really thought stimulating.
i really like the futuristic theme, especially the half-life thing.
i like to think about how the futuristic technology will affect humanity.
there's also the process which i was trying to figure out what's happening in the novel.
and the best part is the question of perspective and existentialism.
who's alive? who's dead? it gets so complicated with the half-life thing.

i've always been thinking about such technology that can support our live or just simply our minds indefinitely. and the half-life thing from the novel fits in almost perfectly.
and questions regarding to existentialism arise as soon as i think deeper about it.
so if one day, we're able to digitalize our minds and somehow import the data into another brain... wouldn't that make you exist in two places at the same time if you're still alive by that time? which one will be the "true you," the "you" reading the blog post right now?
or if we're able to do brain transplant from your broken, unhealthy body to a newer, healthier body... would you feel like you just wake up from a dream?
or if you get into an accident and die, but your digitalized mind is somehow imported to another brain... would you feel like waking up from a sleep? or you're dead? and what is death?

i digressed sort of...

anyway, the ending of the novel is too ambiguous. way too ambiguous. should have known it coming.

i found this super awesome post from a blog putting Ubik with Inception side by side!
super interesting comparison.

“He felt all at once like an ineffectual moth, fluttering at the windowpane of reality, dimly seeing it from outside.” ― Philip K. Dick, Ubik

Oct 6, 2012

Halloween and April Fools plans nailed.

i'll post them as soon as the days arrive.
they're surprises!

nerd mode ON

have been studying like shit.
reading and doing assignment as much as possible.
Friday night, study
Saturday, study
Sunday, study

and as soon as i'm 21.
i'll turn on my party mode.
Friday night, party
Saturday, study then party
Sunday, study
it's still kind of nerdy but whatever.

Oct 5, 2012


nothing much to say.
i've been doing some photo club stuff.
hopefully, it'll be up and running again soon.

Oct 3, 2012


same as usual busy as fuck.
had my paper revised in the writing center.
i'm also setting up some stuff for photo club.
gonna be an officer this quarter for the club.
i want it running again!!
and yeh doing homework and reading.
not saying that being busy is bad.
it's fun actually. i like to keep myself busy, but at the same time, i loose my time on socializing and stuff.

and as for health, it really depends on my emotion, largely the subconscious part.
i've been having this morning sickness (i'm not pregnant) since Monday.
like i woke up in the midnight felt like throwing up.
and at the morning, i still felt like throwing up.
but it usually got better after 11 am.
which is stupid...

anyway. i have to keep myself productive. so i won't get anxious so i won't feel like throwing up.

just doing my BIOEN 325 homework when suddenly...

the dimensions our professor gave us are wrong!!
it doesn't make sense to me at all!!
maybe in another dimension of time and space but not here!!!

so actually i was wrong.
0.15 m should be the radius of the circle... :P

typical school week

sorry i'm too lazy to set up the scanner

seems like i'm more anxious when i'm not being productive
and feel like throwing up when i'm in too much stress.

Oct 2, 2012

current favorite songs

"Calling" by Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso and Ryan Tedder
"We'll Be Coming Back" by Calvin Harris and Example

and "I Remember" by deadmau5 is still my all-time favorite

I was all over the place today.

So occupied!!
Wanna go to gym this evening but I couldn't. Have to do stuff in my lab.
I'll go this Thursday.

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Oct 1, 2012


thanks Vi for introducing me to this super fun thing!
i literally played with these all night!!

use this template here:
to make your own hexaflexagon!


sore muscles :D

went to lab today for cell stocking training 
and yeh as a noob, i made lots of mistakes... haha 
hope my mentor isn't pissed or anything like that.

just got back home
and ate the all the ice cream from a container. like the whole thing haha