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Oct 7, 2012

just finished Ubik (spoiler alert)

i was like halfway through the novel on friday.
and then i finished it Saturday night.
once i got to the climax, i just couldn't put the book down!

anyway, i like most part of the novel because it's really thought stimulating.
i really like the futuristic theme, especially the half-life thing.
i like to think about how the futuristic technology will affect humanity.
there's also the process which i was trying to figure out what's happening in the novel.
and the best part is the question of perspective and existentialism.
who's alive? who's dead? it gets so complicated with the half-life thing.

i've always been thinking about such technology that can support our live or just simply our minds indefinitely. and the half-life thing from the novel fits in almost perfectly.
and questions regarding to existentialism arise as soon as i think deeper about it.
so if one day, we're able to digitalize our minds and somehow import the data into another brain... wouldn't that make you exist in two places at the same time if you're still alive by that time? which one will be the "true you," the "you" reading the blog post right now?
or if we're able to do brain transplant from your broken, unhealthy body to a newer, healthier body... would you feel like you just wake up from a dream?
or if you get into an accident and die, but your digitalized mind is somehow imported to another brain... would you feel like waking up from a sleep? or you're dead? and what is death?

i digressed sort of...

anyway, the ending of the novel is too ambiguous. way too ambiguous. should have known it coming.

i found this super awesome post from a blog putting Ubik with Inception side by side!
super interesting comparison.

“He felt all at once like an ineffectual moth, fluttering at the windowpane of reality, dimly seeing it from outside.” ― Philip K. Dick, Ubik

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