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Feb 27, 2011

how's it going guys?

it's been days from my last post...
imma condense important stuff in this single post

some updates:
so it had snowed (a very little amount) during this wednesday and thursday
and it's freezing literally since wednesday.... so cold out there and the breeze made it worse
we still had school and i lolled and felt so sorry about the UW alert blog where people can post updates about the snow to help the officals to make decision on school closure
the blog was trolled so badly....

few days ago i came across some videos on youtube
a youtube vlogger called samismurf recommended emu oil for pimple growers... like me, if you haven't known that already
so i ordered emu oil and it arrived friday :D i couldn't wait to try it out!!
so emu oil cures scars
it looks and feels like oil obviously...
i put it on my face last night... last morning .... wait, i forgot when i went to bed two days ago... i'm not even sure when i put it on my face....
anyway, the morning... the afternoon i woke up from the night... errr... of emu oil on my face
i felt there's something going on on my face for real!
i'll tell you guys few weeks later about it's effects :D

thursday night i went to take photos for a fashion show called Everybody Everybody Fashion Show with people from photography club
this is the first time i feel like a professional photographer (i was so touched)
so i was below the "runway" flashing my light and snapping my shutter in front of so many people watching the show
the moment i felt so proud of myself...
and talking about photos, i'm so sorry i haven't been able to upload any new ones :(

sad part:
recently, I have become so unsocialized and i think i'm regressing...
I really hated myself for being like that
I regressed to the point I just looked at my friend (i don't even think i'm qualified as their friend anymore) when I walked by them ;(

good part!? yet to be discovered...
today i woke up so late... like almost 4 pm :/
i saw Frances's text i believe it's sent hours ago :P
so she asked me out to have dinner on the Ave
i replied, "sure!"
we ended up eating at her apartment cuz she's too tired to get out
we talked and talked and talked so much about philosophy and many more!
both of us have the same problem on socializing: we always think too much before initiating a conversation with others
she talked about how she dealt with the problem; she counted how much people she talked to in one day and forced herself to talk to people
that inspired me very much... so imma try it out from now! i really need to improve my social skill...
thank you Frances for the advice!

Feb 22, 2011

so much going on!

hey i'm so sorry guys... i'm not able to put up new photos recently...
i'm too busy this quarter...
i still have photos from the blacklight party, jogging photography, and hiking at Granite Falls and i hope i can share them with you soon... :(

i know i'm just going to get busier in the following weeks cuz final is coming up already... so hold on there!

um... yeh today was fun! went hiking at Granite Falls with friends! I took tons of photos of course!
it might sound stupid but hiking here in the US feels like you're in movies
haha i'm new here sorry... but yeh i really like it a lot
before we get into the mountain, we got some food in the town literally a town in a movie!
(hense Frances and I watch "The Crazies" the night before out trip :P)

 houses along the roadside with gates chained up and sign saying private property NO TRESPASSING
the road is straight and seems never ending 
sometimes the road curves with the river beside it
snow covers the roadside and pine trees and rocks
the air is cold but stagnated
every breath, laugh, and talk is accompanied with smoke
water falls with icicles
quiet place with few voices like cars passing by seldom, snow falling from trees, rivers, and of course our chatting and laughing
sometimes i can smell BBQ from house beside the road
trees tangled with furry mosses that are in all sorts of green

we walked so far from the parking place (the service place) to the hiking spot... and back to service place

View Larger Map
and together we took some really funny photos or more like product placement of orange juice :D
and there's no cellular connection!! No Service on my iphone kinda scary!

the most interesting part was the random falling snow from trees...
in the whole forest, there must be thousands of this same thing happening at the same instance.
the occurrence seemed rare, but it's just because that's the only part i saw.
i wondered at that instance, how many people got born, how many died, how many people fell in love, how many people broke up?
it's just that the world is so big... comparing to my world...

Feb 20, 2011

it's sunday and i still have one and a half day of weekend!

humm... so during this weekend i went shopping at asain food market with Frances
and watch movie at her apartment and going to dinner at her place later this evening

and it's so sunny outside! i wanna go outside!

um... and not much going on... i'm studying all the time and i hate that...

dunno... and dun really have the impulse to upload new photos... or talk to people....
i'm so weird...

Feb 17, 2011

Just a quick post

My back hurts so bad today
I cant turn my body

Probably I lift too much heavy stuff at food bank :p

And recently I've been really well catching up on my studying and stuff
Keep up the good work Daniel!

And I think I'll put up some new photo this weekend or something...
Btw it'll be a three day weekend!!

Oh and forecast has shown chances of some snow here at Seattle... It's so cold outside now
But haven't seen any snow yet
Looking forward to it though!

Cya guys!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Feb 15, 2011

Bizarre Valentines dream

real bizarre dream during Valentine's Day...

So first I found out something about sleep cycle
I slept from 2 something to 4:41 am and I feel like I have been in a 30 minute dream
So it's relatively shorter 
But from my reluctance to get out of my bed in weekdays I've learned that I always get these amazingly long dreams
Everytime I was woken up by my alarm, I reached my hand into the pillow and found the lock bottom of my iPhone and shut the alarm off to snooze
And then I convince myself just few more minutes of sleep will be fine
And then I started dreaming and the dreams feels super long like a hour or something!
And I was checking the clock regularly and found out I had only slept for like 5 minutes!!!
But I got out my bed sooner or later... Haha 

I think it has something to do with REM and polyphasic sleep cycle
it seems that you get into REM phase much faster in short sleeps like naps...
Oh and the dream I had tonight, the short one...
Some people I know here in UW are in it

And the reason I called it bizarre is there is this girl I know I think she's single 
but in my dream she had a boyfriend and her boyfriend gave her a valentines gift a special gift that girl really like it cuz her bf appeared to know what she liked
And it was in a really weird setting 
it's like beside a boy shower room and i wasn't wearing clothes but I was holding my "wet" clothes in front of my groin.
And why did I have my cloths wet?
I dunno why but I went into the shower room and I was like f**k that and took my jeans and clothes off while in the shower
So my clothes were all over the floor and wet

It was bizarre really bizarre and I'm glad I have remembered it


Feb 14, 2011

have some valentine's or un-valentine's spirit!

i changed my iphone lock screen to roses lol
pink and white roses
isn't that sweet!?
and it has been raining for the whole day! WHOLE DAY!

anyway, so lots of stuff came up on the Internet just for Valentine's i would like to share them with you!

First of all is a cute poster from Tessa Stone's "Hanna is not a boy's name"
I like it so much!

from Tessa Stone's "Hanna is not a boy's name"

some great deals you can find in app store from DiscoverApps
from my brother :)
a comice strip from The Oatmeal

for those wanna get some un-Valentine's spirit

a video from CollegeHumor

lastly, a comice strip from Bug

Have a great Valentine's Day!

Feb 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

to whomever is still looking for love, or is already in love


Searching for love is like driving your way home in fog, but eventually, you will get home and fog will burn away.
Happy V Day!

it's sunday already

so it's sunday already and i've done so much studying and homework
it's quite satisfying.... you know like you actually did tons of work
2 post labs, 2 prelabs, 1 pretest, 1 tutorial HW,1 chem HW, some physics HW, read chem chapter 11, and imma read physics now and later imma catch up on english!

so my weekend is all studying basically haha

oh and i'll get something up tonight you'll see!

what else... 

oh my physics midterm grades turn out to be higher than average
surprising isn't it?

and not much going on... i'll say... it's a plain part of my life now very plain... :/

Feb 10, 2011


i'll definitely work on the photos this weekend guys!
and i just finished my physics midterm and i don't think i did well on it :(

anyway, so it feels like a short week
probably i'm way too busy....
so i'm going to photography club later and then chemistry lab
humm... oh and photography club members are asked to help take photos in a Valentine's event tonight at a nightclub! sounds so cool! but i don't think i can go cuz they had enough people already
it's not that i didn't ask for the opportunity
it's my chemistry lab which ends at 9:20 and the Valentine's event starts at 10:00
they need people to take photos before everything starts... so i can't make it :(

oh well... lots of things going on and as obvious at it is
i'm failing each of them... lol having a hard time now
hopefully i can get through it! :/

cya! going to photography club now!
have a great week!

Feb 6, 2011

some new pictures

finally i finish uploading this batch of photos
more to come, dense fog and blacklight party XD




Tick Tock tunnel 2

Feb 5, 2011

even more sorry

it has been more than a week since my last update...
i'm truly sorry...

i've found out that i made the wrong choice by putting english and physics class together....
now my reading is really lagging behind the schedule
and next week physics midterm is coming up....
i mean i just had my chem midterm....
oh i think i did  pretty well on it 81% and class average is 60% :D

i want to upload new pictures so bad... so imma do it now...
but the ones i took during the blacklight party are not ready yet...

oh and thanks Photography club!
I love Lightroom so much!
once i took photos in RAW and found out I had no reason to do that at all... so i quit RAW....
but after the Lightroom tutorial in Photography club few weeks ago
I started to take my photos in RAW again :D
and process them afterward with Lightroom :)
so it takes me more time now to upload new photos but trust me i'm going to make my photos look better!

yeh.... so happy Chinese New Year.... :P
it took me so long to say this on my blog....
but... yeh.... my first year without family and celebration and RED ENVELOPE during the Chinese New Year is just sad....

have a great weekend and new year guys...