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Feb 17, 2011

Just a quick post

My back hurts so bad today
I cant turn my body

Probably I lift too much heavy stuff at food bank :p

And recently I've been really well catching up on my studying and stuff
Keep up the good work Daniel!

And I think I'll put up some new photo this weekend or something...
Btw it'll be a three day weekend!!

Oh and forecast has shown chances of some snow here at Seattle... It's so cold outside now
But haven't seen any snow yet
Looking forward to it though!

Cya guys!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. When you lift something heavy, make sure your position is correct. DOn't bend your back. Bend your knees instead. Then, the loading will be on your legs instead of on your back muscles. If you don't use your muscles very often, it will hurt when you overuse them.
