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Feb 22, 2011

so much going on!

hey i'm so sorry guys... i'm not able to put up new photos recently...
i'm too busy this quarter...
i still have photos from the blacklight party, jogging photography, and hiking at Granite Falls and i hope i can share them with you soon... :(

i know i'm just going to get busier in the following weeks cuz final is coming up already... so hold on there!

um... yeh today was fun! went hiking at Granite Falls with friends! I took tons of photos of course!
it might sound stupid but hiking here in the US feels like you're in movies
haha i'm new here sorry... but yeh i really like it a lot
before we get into the mountain, we got some food in the town literally a town in a movie!
(hense Frances and I watch "The Crazies" the night before out trip :P)

 houses along the roadside with gates chained up and sign saying private property NO TRESPASSING
the road is straight and seems never ending 
sometimes the road curves with the river beside it
snow covers the roadside and pine trees and rocks
the air is cold but stagnated
every breath, laugh, and talk is accompanied with smoke
water falls with icicles
quiet place with few voices like cars passing by seldom, snow falling from trees, rivers, and of course our chatting and laughing
sometimes i can smell BBQ from house beside the road
trees tangled with furry mosses that are in all sorts of green

we walked so far from the parking place (the service place) to the hiking spot... and back to service place

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and together we took some really funny photos or more like product placement of orange juice :D
and there's no cellular connection!! No Service on my iphone kinda scary!

the most interesting part was the random falling snow from trees...
in the whole forest, there must be thousands of this same thing happening at the same instance.
the occurrence seemed rare, but it's just because that's the only part i saw.
i wondered at that instance, how many people got born, how many died, how many people fell in love, how many people broke up?
it's just that the world is so big... comparing to my world...

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