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Apr 16, 2012

this world

yes i'm not happy... a little depressed but i'll be fine. i just have to say something about our world.

so if we were ever to have a scoring system for the world you live in (assuming there are other places to live other than Earth), i'll give this world, as we know it, a 50 out of 100. it fails... i'm sorry but there's too much hatred, unfairness, and sadness in this world.

and so if we were ever to choose which world you have to spend your whole life in, please please please don't choose the one i'm living in right now. if you chose the one i'm living in right now, you'll regret when you grow up and see the world better. but there's one exception!
if you really really really would want to live here (which i don't see why you would), you better be some wealthy, good looking, healthy, majority person. (by majority i mean someone who is not the minority)

sad, i know. there's nothing i can do about this, i'm stuck here so i just have to deal with it, keep my head up and live through my life.

someday day, i might change my mind about this world to the better or to the worse.... who knows?
but for now, i'll just work my way through this sad, hateful, unfair world.


  1. I'd like to comment on this.
    In deed, this world has never been too wonderful or even good in lower standard. There are wars, hungers, and ethic hatred all around the world. But, this is the world we live in. We can only look at the bright side of world. There are still many people trying to make the world a better place. For example, to invent drugs to save more people. Why don't we join them instead of complaining this would is not as expected.
    There are also good things happening everyday by good people. Think about how you can contribute to change the world. Be positive! As Steve

  2. As late Steve Job said Stay hunger Stay foolish. There are many things that can be done. Think about all great scientists what they have contributed to the world. These are the great great examples for making the world a better place. Try to bring the bright side as a human being, although the other side of human is sometimes evil.
    Always look at the bright side and be positive. This can make you day instead of being trapped by something that you can not control.

  3. hey thanks for the comment. i'm glad to hear your opinion and suggestion.
    and yeh i know, i'm working hard and try to help change the world if possible.
    i also tried to think positive from the start of my day,
    but everyday, i'm faced with all kinds of unfairness, sadness, and hatred.
    it's pretty hard to stay positive all day till the evening when i'm back to my room.
    maybe i just have to forget all the little things that disturb me, i guess.

  4. I think we can spend a little bit time to define the unfairness, sadness, and hatred. They are quite dependent upon how you see them and how do you feel them under what kind of standard or tolerance. If under your sub-conscience, you feel that you are always mis-treated, then, you will feel them all the time. I know to study and live abroad is not easy at all and your Asian look is bothering you. This is a very good training to your life (not many people have the chance). If you can work your way through and make people proud of you (I think you are on the right track), you will earn a lot of respects.
    Great man doesn't bother on small thing. It is easier to say than to do. But, train yourself to be a great man. You will be grateful for what you try to achieve now when you look back when you are older.

  5. thanks! yeh i think most of the time it's just my interpretations. i really have to get over those thoughts; they're too bothering. i'll try my best though.

    haha love your sentence, "your asian look is bothering you" LOL
    yeh it does sometime...

  6. There are largest races population in States. Therefore, it develops the society that operate under this environment. If you go to California, white people have become minority. In some company, very large global comapny,the people sit in the meeting room are 90% non-white people, most of them are Asians and Indina. DOn't ntake race so serious. In States, this should be monior issues.

  7. i agree with you. thanks for making me feeling better too.

  8. Well said from the above but there's one thing that I disagree about. I think Seattle is a pretty open city with lots of chill people in it. They don't judge you based mainly on your races. It's also the best part I like about Seattle. A family friend of mine had been staying in some other states in the U.S, NYC, Chicago and Seattle. She pointed that Seattle people are the best out of them.

    Bottom line is you shouldn't feel inferior because of the way you look or even your race. My coach is 100% Chinese but she's already on her way of making a successful life. I can see that coming because of all her characters shown but to me she's not an Asian. She's just an American. Jeremy Lin is not an Asian to me either. He's an American. Racial issue still exist in this world. It's sad but you should be thankful that you're in Seattle! I'm thankful that I started my U.S life in Seattle too.


  9. thank for the comment! i should really forget about it! thanks for all of your words!
