super tired....
went to bed at 5.... and overslept a bit today so was late to class.
but i did so much homework this weekend.
finished 316 homework which was due at class today.
i was stuck on the last question and i figured out that i would never find the answer so i might as well just go to bed.
317 lab report was fine. glad i finished it already... all those image arrangement and stuff were torture in Microsoft words.
315 homework was fun. we got to use a program to look at protein structures. it was originally due today but now it's due on friday... i have no comment... :/
and yeh finally did my grocery shopping on sunday so my cabinet is stocked with food again! :D
and yeh i still have to catch up with all the reading and plus i have to do laundry soon.
bio midterm went fine i guess like i finish it before time but there were some questions that i'm not sure if i answered them correctly or not. whatever...
yeh just kind of came back from lab and watched some videos on youtube.
"dimitri finds out" videos are so hilarious btw.
k cya!
Apr 30, 2012
Apr 28, 2012
busy day. went to the lab after my classes...
i found that at the end of the week i always wake up tired... and unhappy.
Frances called me and asked if i wanted to go to Broadway and have dinner with her and Cecila.
i said no at first but after all the works in my lab i decided that i should create myself better and plus Frances's bday is coming up.
so i texted her back and said yes i'm going to broadway for dinner.
anyway, we ended up in a bar/restaurant. there's a show and it was awesome!
my first experience in a bar with a show.
it was fun.
anyway, i have to study hard this weekend cuz i have biology midterm on monday. two homework due monday and a lab report due tuesday.
omg that's so much work!!!
hmmm... yeh....
oh and i'm going to the lab tomorrow just so i can take the stuff i made out of an oven!!
here are some new photos!

a bunch of sky photos :D
have a great weekend guys!
i found that at the end of the week i always wake up tired... and unhappy.
Frances called me and asked if i wanted to go to Broadway and have dinner with her and Cecila.
i said no at first but after all the works in my lab i decided that i should create myself better and plus Frances's bday is coming up.
so i texted her back and said yes i'm going to broadway for dinner.
anyway, we ended up in a bar/restaurant. there's a show and it was awesome!
my first experience in a bar with a show.
it was fun.
anyway, i have to study hard this weekend cuz i have biology midterm on monday. two homework due monday and a lab report due tuesday.
omg that's so much work!!!
hmmm... yeh....
oh and i'm going to the lab tomorrow just so i can take the stuff i made out of an oven!!
here are some new photos!

a bunch of sky photos :D
have a great weekend guys!
Apr 25, 2012
and there it went
i don't know how i did on my 317 quiz.
pretty bad i guess.
this is what i look when i was taking the quiz
i've been in the library since 1 pm?
and i've finished my lab 4 report.
doing biology reading now.
pretty bad i guess.
this is what i look when i was taking the quiz
i've been in the library since 1 pm?
and i've finished my lab 4 report.
doing biology reading now.
so this is what i've been doing in matlab
we learned some filter stuff and you can apply it on images!!
transform into gray scale.
this one is some weird filter.
this one seem to be working as brightness filter.
this is the original image. she's lenna but we call her lena.
tuesday or ummm wedensday
so i had a stomachache last night...
i was feeling like throwing up...
maybe it's the alcohol i drank saturday during the awesome party or maybe because i've been smoking too much?
i've heard that smoking is bad for GERD. so i decided to quit smoking completely starting yesterday and yeh it was pretty easy. no withdraw at all. i was like, oh ok, i'll leave my cigarette in my dorm so i wouldn't take it out form my bag while i was walking outside. and yeh. no smoking anymore...
there's must be some better ways to deal with stress.
umm... actually i'll still smoke when there's some sort of event, but no more when i was just walking on the street.
yeh... still super busy... looks like i can't get my life back haha... :(
no more frequent flickr updates, no more frequency gym workout....
and just found out I passed the deadline for my 317 lab report :((
now i have to submit it late :( 10% deduction...
anyway i'm still working on my lab report and hopefully will get it down before say 3?
but i have class at like 9:30 tar!! i have to go to bed right now!!
and what else.... oh there's a 316 quiz tomorrow and i don't even know if i'm ready for it or not....
and i haven't been updating my grades on my blog so here they are:
bio 220 midterm 1 grade: 45/100 the median is something like 50.
315 midterm 1 grade: 70/100 the average is 80.
316 quiz 1 grade: 43/44
that's all i think.
overall, i'm not doing really well and i have to work even harder for the second half of this quarter.
oh well. homework grades aren't impressive either.
i don't know.
anyway, it's already a 10% grade off from my lab report so i'll just go to bed now...
i was feeling like throwing up...
maybe it's the alcohol i drank saturday during the awesome party or maybe because i've been smoking too much?
i've heard that smoking is bad for GERD. so i decided to quit smoking completely starting yesterday and yeh it was pretty easy. no withdraw at all. i was like, oh ok, i'll leave my cigarette in my dorm so i wouldn't take it out form my bag while i was walking outside. and yeh. no smoking anymore...
there's must be some better ways to deal with stress.
umm... actually i'll still smoke when there's some sort of event, but no more when i was just walking on the street.
yeh... still super busy... looks like i can't get my life back haha... :(
no more frequent flickr updates, no more frequency gym workout....
and just found out I passed the deadline for my 317 lab report :((
now i have to submit it late :( 10% deduction...
anyway i'm still working on my lab report and hopefully will get it down before say 3?
but i have class at like 9:30 tar!! i have to go to bed right now!!
and what else.... oh there's a 316 quiz tomorrow and i don't even know if i'm ready for it or not....
and i haven't been updating my grades on my blog so here they are:
bio 220 midterm 1 grade: 45/100 the median is something like 50.
315 midterm 1 grade: 70/100 the average is 80.
316 quiz 1 grade: 43/44
that's all i think.
overall, i'm not doing really well and i have to work even harder for the second half of this quarter.
oh well. homework grades aren't impressive either.
i don't know.
anyway, it's already a 10% grade off from my lab report so i'll just go to bed now...
Apr 23, 2012
so far so good and busy.
i'm in the research lab right now.
doing my plga and stuff
and here are some new photos
i seriously need more time!!!
Apr 22, 2012
so great!
so last night i went to this fundraising party which Frances invited me to.
went there with Frances's roommates and her friend Cecilia.
had lots of fun. though the music wasn't that great (i would say it's quite awful)
but still i got tipsy and stuff haha
after that i walked Cecilia back to her dorm
on our way, we talked a lot like A LOT which was super impressive comparing to how i normally do (thank ethanol)
we had gyro which i think is the only restaurant that was still open.
but Cecilia found out that she lost her jacket
so we followed our original path and finally found it on the sidewalk near the house.
after we arrived her dorm we said bye
and i walked back to my dorm
heated up a cup of water but burned my tongue cuz it's a bit overheated...
and took off my jeans and put on my pajama and just crashed into my bed.
haha so tired...
i don't quite remember lots of details and stuff but i think i did feel like throwing up sometime during the night but i woke up all fine.
feeling great right now!
went there with Frances's roommates and her friend Cecilia.
had lots of fun. though the music wasn't that great (i would say it's quite awful)
but still i got tipsy and stuff haha
after that i walked Cecilia back to her dorm
on our way, we talked a lot like A LOT which was super impressive comparing to how i normally do (thank ethanol)
we had gyro which i think is the only restaurant that was still open.
but Cecilia found out that she lost her jacket
so we followed our original path and finally found it on the sidewalk near the house.
after we arrived her dorm we said bye
and i walked back to my dorm
heated up a cup of water but burned my tongue cuz it's a bit overheated...
and took off my jeans and put on my pajama and just crashed into my bed.
haha so tired...
i don't quite remember lots of details and stuff but i think i did feel like throwing up sometime during the night but i woke up all fine.
feeling great right now!
Apr 20, 2012
Haha I was studying in odegaard library and heard beats outside so I decided to check it out and guess what?
I want to party!!!
So I went back to my room and dropped my stuff and dressed up a little
Though I have an unfinished hw due tomorrow
I finish up reading for homework and decided to go to the party!!
I'm here now enjoying the great music by rapture DJs
But I have no one to dance with :(
Can't miss the party!
Just standing behind the crowd...
Forever alone...
People were having so much fun with their friends and/or gf/bf.
I mean I enjoyed the atmosphere, but like dancing on my own would be awkward and weird so yeh i ended up just standing and moving a bit to the beats...
Where's my party friends?
Apr 18, 2012
at the library now.
so much going on this week.
we got Husky Festival.
so much going on this week.
we got Husky Festival.
they've been setting up the whole thing for a week haha! looks huge!!
and we get this scavenger hunt thing. there's a meter showing how close you are to the "treasure"
kind of fun. hopefully i'll win 2 tickets to Rusko.
and i figured that i shouldn't wait until my face looks better (i have too many pimples)
so got my haircut anyways.
happy about my haircut yay!
oh and i had a meeting with Alex today for Tai Beta Pi.
ok study time!
Apr 17, 2012
it just gets worse and worse.
"my grades for other classes are dying..."
that's what i heard from my classmate
ahhhhh!!! like i spent the whole night yesterday doing my lab report and i don't even have time to study for biology D:
i can feel my grades will be dropping dramatically this quarter...
i don't know what to do... seriously....
just got out form my 317 lab and feel like a huge shit right now.
super depressed right now.
i have to do a 12 page biology paper reading so i can get ready for a quiz tomorrow.
and have to start working on my 316 homework which is due friday
and there's going to be a quiz someday this week for 315. my classmates think it's tomorrow so have to study for that too.
and and and....
i still have so much to catch up D:
i'm so tired.
(i've been smoking lately as well, so don't be surprised when you bump into me smoking)
i'm sorry lungs.
still, i'll definitely stop it when i feel like the whole shit is going to get better.
i'm sorry....
oh and Frances invited me to a fund raising party for volleyball. yay!!! party!!!! omg!! so looking forward to it right now!! i just want to unwind!!!!
that's what i heard from my classmate
ahhhhh!!! like i spent the whole night yesterday doing my lab report and i don't even have time to study for biology D:
i can feel my grades will be dropping dramatically this quarter...
i don't know what to do... seriously....
just got out form my 317 lab and feel like a huge shit right now.
super depressed right now.
i have to do a 12 page biology paper reading so i can get ready for a quiz tomorrow.
and have to start working on my 316 homework which is due friday
and there's going to be a quiz someday this week for 315. my classmates think it's tomorrow so have to study for that too.
and and and....
i still have so much to catch up D:
i'm so tired.
(i've been smoking lately as well, so don't be surprised when you bump into me smoking)
i'm sorry lungs.
still, i'll definitely stop it when i feel like the whole shit is going to get better.
i'm sorry....
oh and Frances invited me to a fund raising party for volleyball. yay!!! party!!!! omg!! so looking forward to it right now!! i just want to unwind!!!!
Apr 16, 2012
this world
yes i'm not happy... a little depressed but i'll be fine. i just have to say something about our world.
so if we were ever to have a scoring system for the world you live in (assuming there are other places to live other than Earth), i'll give this world, as we know it, a 50 out of 100. it fails... i'm sorry but there's too much hatred, unfairness, and sadness in this world.
and so if we were ever to choose which world you have to spend your whole life in, please please please don't choose the one i'm living in right now. if you chose the one i'm living in right now, you'll regret when you grow up and see the world better. but there's one exception!
if you really really really would want to live here (which i don't see why you would), you better be some wealthy, good looking, healthy, majority person. (by majority i mean someone who is not the minority)
sad, i know. there's nothing i can do about this, i'm stuck here so i just have to deal with it, keep my head up and live through my life.
someday day, i might change my mind about this world to the better or to the worse.... who knows?
but for now, i'll just work my way through this sad, hateful, unfair world.
so if we were ever to have a scoring system for the world you live in (assuming there are other places to live other than Earth), i'll give this world, as we know it, a 50 out of 100. it fails... i'm sorry but there's too much hatred, unfairness, and sadness in this world.
and so if we were ever to choose which world you have to spend your whole life in, please please please don't choose the one i'm living in right now. if you chose the one i'm living in right now, you'll regret when you grow up and see the world better. but there's one exception!
if you really really really would want to live here (which i don't see why you would), you better be some wealthy, good looking, healthy, majority person. (by majority i mean someone who is not the minority)
sad, i know. there's nothing i can do about this, i'm stuck here so i just have to deal with it, keep my head up and live through my life.
someday day, i might change my mind about this world to the better or to the worse.... who knows?
but for now, i'll just work my way through this sad, hateful, unfair world.
Apr 15, 2012
it's a great day i guess.
so Zerina called me up sometime earlier this week to help her with photos for her bf
and yup she picked me up at the campus and we headed to Bellevue college
we caught up with each other since we haven't met for months!!!
we caught up with each other since we haven't met for months!!!
i took something like 250 photos for her bf.
i hope they like the photos ;)
and Zerina and her bf and me went to his high class Italian restaurant in Bellevue
mmm... the beef was great! and yeh we talked and her bf paid for our dinner. haha i don't even know if my photos worth that much :P
then she dropped me off in front of steven's court.
anyway, i'm now at advanced computer lab in the forge building now. so empty... duh it's sunday night why would people even be in lab. (and i have to "beep" through several doors to get in here, thanks science that i have my access card already!! or else i wouldn't be able to get in here)
and i'm working on my lab report now.
Apr 14, 2012
Rise again after the fall.
So last week was horrible and it's no use to keep thinking about it.
I have to move on and keep things up.
Today was beautiful!
Cuz I went to bed early last night so I woke up at 12 today
Had lunch and studied a bit then I went to work out!!!! :D
Finally im back to the gym. Felt great afterward but had a little stomachache as well.
But no big deal. I'm totally awesome now.
Just got back from the quad.
Can't resist the sun you know?
Studied in the quad under the sun was awesome!
I met Nicole there too.
I have to move on and keep things up.
Today was beautiful!
Cuz I went to bed early last night so I woke up at 12 today
Had lunch and studied a bit then I went to work out!!!! :D
Finally im back to the gym. Felt great afterward but had a little stomachache as well.
But no big deal. I'm totally awesome now.
Just got back from the quad.
Can't resist the sun you know?
Studied in the quad under the sun was awesome!
I met Nicole there too.
Apr 13, 2012
315 midterm did not go well.
so many questions and did not finish it.
i dunno... it sucks...
316 midterm was back and it turned out to be better than i expected... i got 43/44.
hmm... sunny out there and i dunno still got a lot of work to catch up and more homework will be coming out....
but i want to relax a bit too. but i seriously don't know what to do.
Apr 12, 2012
Omg the bio midterm was horrible
They seriously put too much questions on the test!!!!!!
Everyone was so mad at the end. From what I heard and saw, I don't think no one finished the test. It was ridiculous.
F it.
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Everyone was so mad at the end. From what I heard and saw, I don't think no one finished the test. It was ridiculous.
F it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Apr 11, 2012
1 down 2 to go!
316 midterm was better than i thought. i think i got most of the questions right... hopefully.
and 220 midterm tomorrow. gonna start studying soon!!
315 friday!
oh and GERD kicked in last night.
felt like throwing up and stuff... i think it's because of the 5-hour energy i drank later that night.
man, what CAN i drink? my stomach is a scumbag.
and ummm yeah... not much going on recently. busy life kind of keeps me away from being depressed or stuff like that i guess.
316 midterm was better than i thought. i think i got most of the questions right... hopefully.
and 220 midterm tomorrow. gonna start studying soon!!
315 friday!
oh and GERD kicked in last night.
felt like throwing up and stuff... i think it's because of the 5-hour energy i drank later that night.
man, what CAN i drink? my stomach is a scumbag.
and ummm yeah... not much going on recently. busy life kind of keeps me away from being depressed or stuff like that i guess.
Apr 10, 2012
so busy...
got so many packages today and also got my access card but it's not activated yet.
got my creatine!!
and acne medications
and stop Kony stuff haha
and bday gift from Keke :D
got so many packages today and also got my access card but it's not activated yet.
got my creatine!!
and acne medications
and stop Kony stuff haha
and bday gift from Keke :D
sorry it's like i'm doing product placements.... haha
have to study now...
sorry for the not updating
omg three midterms are coming up!!!
none are perfectly prepared!
i'm finally done with homework but no i have to catch up with reading!!!
i want to go work out again do other stuff like flickr!! D:
trying to memorize the amino acids and their structures and pKa right now....
glycine is Gly or G. it has the simplest form. side chain is one H atom.
pK1 of COOH is around 2.4. pK2 of NH3+ is around 9.8
and 19 more amino acids...
i made these flash cards and downloaded an app to help me memorize them.
oh and weather today was perfect!!!
so sunny and warm! i had my t-shirt and shorts on and finished my assignment 2 for BIOEN 315 outside in the sun :D love the sun!!
none are perfectly prepared!
i'm finally done with homework but no i have to catch up with reading!!!
i want to go work out again do other stuff like flickr!! D:
trying to memorize the amino acids and their structures and pKa right now....
glycine is Gly or G. it has the simplest form. side chain is one H atom.
pK1 of COOH is around 2.4. pK2 of NH3+ is around 9.8
and 19 more amino acids...
i made these flash cards and downloaded an app to help me memorize them.
oh and weather today was perfect!!!
so sunny and warm! i had my t-shirt and shorts on and finished my assignment 2 for BIOEN 315 outside in the sun :D love the sun!!
Apr 8, 2012
Such a great weather I hope I can just enjoy the sun
It's so warm out here! 23° c!! I am just wearing a tshirt, shorts and flip flops! Im having my lunchfast out in the sun right now!
Probably going to study outside later.
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Probably going to study outside later.
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Apr 7, 2012
And yeh very tired both mentally and physically lately
I wonder how the missed-hours of sleep will affect me long term.
I dunno I have felt kind of tired after I skipped one night of bedtime.
Must get more sleep during the weekend...
Oh and yeh, haven't been going to lab or the gym or the photo club lately :( so sad... I really want to do all those things but in order to keep up my grades I just can't make this all work :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I dunno I have felt kind of tired after I skipped one night of bedtime.
Must get more sleep during the weekend...
Oh and yeh, haven't been going to lab or the gym or the photo club lately :( so sad... I really want to do all those things but in order to keep up my grades I just can't make this all work :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Ah... Everything just gets "better and better"
Sorry again guys.
Have been updating my blog and Flickr.
Super über busy recently.
Have 3 midterms next week and haven't studied for them at all.
Have spent all my time either in lab or doing homework.
I don't know. I think my quarter is a mess so far. Everything just doesn't make sense.
I dunno....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Have been updating my blog and Flickr.
Super über busy recently.
Have 3 midterms next week and haven't studied for them at all.
Have spent all my time either in lab or doing homework.
I don't know. I think my quarter is a mess so far. Everything just doesn't make sense.
I dunno....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Apr 4, 2012
No sleep just study. Like we're in college...
Ive been up for more than 24 hours now.... A little tired. I miss bed....
Man... Still have a lot of homework and reading to catch up.... ;(
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Man... Still have a lot of homework and reading to catch up.... ;(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
eh eh..... eh....
stayed up all night!!!
matlabing crazily.
finished up a lab report and a super long homework tonight.
oh man have class in 2 hours... D:
and i still have to do my prelab for biology....
matlabing crazily.
finished up a lab report and a super long homework tonight.
oh man have class in 2 hours... D:
and i still have to do my prelab for biology....
Apr 3, 2012
omg i'm so tired already D:
my energy is draining out so fast.
just finished my diabetes paper on time.
and now i have to start three other homework :((
all due on wednesday D:
blame the one-week-ago me. i wasn't slacking off so badly....
now i have to do them all at once!!!!
and i'm so behind schedule right now ;(
so stressed...
just finished my diabetes paper on time.
and now i have to start three other homework :((
all due on wednesday D:
blame the one-week-ago me. i wasn't slacking off so badly....
now i have to do them all at once!!!!
and i'm so behind schedule right now ;(
so stressed...
Apr 2, 2012
Apr 1, 2012
sorry i haven't been updating my blog for a while.
i guess i'm a little too busy, especially during weekdays when i have to go to my research lab almost everyday.
and i still have reading to catch up with.
and some homework.
and have to stick with my 3-days-per-week workout plan.
hopefully everything will turn out fine. have to really concentrate now!!!
the textbooks i ordered online are here so many of them!!
i also ordered acne treatment my brother recommended to me.
and creatine for body building. i did some research on it and found it quite convincingly useful.
we'll see when i start taking creatine. hopefully i can grow muscle faster!!!
oh and it's once in a year April Fool's day!!
i made fake toilet paper rolls. my roommates found it awesome! haha!
and of course i put a real toilet paper on the toilet or else it's a bit too hardcore.
oh and the 8-bit google map is so cute!!!
and here are some newly uploaded photos:

gotta go back to study D: cya!!
and i still have reading to catch up with.
and some homework.
and have to stick with my 3-days-per-week workout plan.
hopefully everything will turn out fine. have to really concentrate now!!!
the textbooks i ordered online are here so many of them!!
i also ordered acne treatment my brother recommended to me.
and creatine for body building. i did some research on it and found it quite convincingly useful.
we'll see when i start taking creatine. hopefully i can grow muscle faster!!!
oh and it's once in a year April Fool's day!!
i made fake toilet paper rolls. my roommates found it awesome! haha!
and of course i put a real toilet paper on the toilet or else it's a bit too hardcore.
can you tell which one is real and which one is fake?
oh and the 8-bit google map is so cute!!!
space needle!!!
found a monster near Tacoma!
also flickr have this pixelated thing.
and here are some newly uploaded photos:

gotta go back to study D: cya!!
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