It's such a crazy week
After my finals I started packing and moving my stuff all over the place
Yesterday Frances and her bro and me went to Golden Garden it was hell pretty over there though the weather was awful but the night view was amazing
It's a beach with people playing volleyball (well, that's the main reason we were there), having BBQ, walking around, view sighting...
And there was even a wedding... according to what people around us said
And there was a train rail just beside the beach
I took some pic and I'll show you guys later when I upload them on flickr
And today is literally going to be a long day
Woke up at 10 :15 as my nyan alarm went off
Got off my lowered bed and felt empty because it's the last day in Mercer!!!
Went to take a shower saw some of my friends packing
I packed up and checked out with our floor RA Melissa
Moved out and carried a fxxkingly heavy huge luggage and two bags and pillow and comforter
Melissa helped me out carrying
I took bus up the street
Frances helped me out carrying later
They are damn heavy
Crazy packing flowed and moving boxes down to the first floor flowed afterwards...
I spent my last day of my first year in Seattle crazily
Did tons of packing
Then Frances and I took a cab here it saved us so much time and energy!!!
Anyway I just to to say this again...
I'll miss you, Seattle!!!
Waiting at the gate now
Cya guys later!
Oh I'm going to do the time log thing again if I feel like doing
Like the one where u keep track of what I'm doing in specific times :)

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