Couldn't concentrate on stuff last night
Ended up sitting in front of my desk doing nothing
Today I woke up too late but still got to class on time
After the class I went back to dorm and took a shower
During my amath class I got a serious stomach ache
I packed up and walked straight out the door carrying my bag with my left hand
I started stumbling around and I dropped my bag and fell to the ground...
I fainted
I heard people behind me saying oh no
And one of them said are you ok?
I said no
He then said do u need help?
I said yes
I need to get to the restroom now!
I slowly got up grabbed my bag and stumbled into the bathroom...
I did get out of the bathroom and I am feeling much better now though I still think I need to get some rest
So I am typing this on my bed right now
I want to thank whoever stopped and asked to help
But I don't remember anything before I sat down on the toilet
I even took a look at the sign when I got out of the bathroom wondering if I've entered women's room...
I don't know...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone