class is going well. enjoy it a lot.
love taking one class so i have more time and my schedule is a lot more flexible.
lab is going alright.
starting experimenting with another cell type cuz the cells I'm working with right now is being a big bitch.
and guess what? I booked the tickets going to Taiwan this June with my bf!
i'm so excited to show him around where i grew up.
he's also never been to Asia so it will definitely be a fun trip for him.
there're ups and downs in my personal life.
recently, i've been a bit more irritated.
I've started my therapy today with my psychiatrist
I like her a lot and i think we will work really well together
the session today was great. I think i know where a lot of my issues are coming from
because the only source of my social interaction and attention is from my bf. whenever, he's not paying enough attention to me, i feel jealous.
also I've had a twin brother (which is like my best friend) for such a long time, I don't know how to approach other and make friends.
I also have jealous and bitterness issue of others.
today she gave me a task of writing down things that make me unhappy and things that make me happy
and we're going to analyze them together when i meet with her next week.
i hope my therapy will help me to become a better person :)