hey guys.
i've not been posting at all for the past five months
mostly due to my laziness and having someone to share my thoughts with.
to summarize
Chandler and I moved to Ballard.
It looks super homey. there're Ikea furnitures and lots of plants, lots :)
We made a trip to Taiwan and Japan during the summer
it was a blast (I have also finally finished processing the photos I took in Japan, you can take a look of them in the next post).
research's been going not as well.
i have extended my one year masters all the way into fall quarter :(
i just can't get the results with the cells i am using right now (NRVMs)
i did, however, got really nice results with human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes.
anyway, all summer i've been going to the lab. been pretty occupied but at the same time i slept so much.
i wonder if it's the medication.
ok that's the brief summary of my late spring and summer.
i'll update my blog more frequently i promise.