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Oct 12, 2010

tuesday = great day!!

cuz i get only one class on tuesday and it ends at 1:20 pm
so i get whole lots of time to do other stuff :D

so today i decided to go to IMA and work out :)
before i went to IMA
i saw a yellow slip in my mailbox!!
it's a package!

so i checked out the package from Terry front desk and it's a cylinder!!
omg, i knew at that moment what is it!
it's the poster i ordered about a week ago!
it's the Hanna is not a boy's Name poster!!!

i think maybe i was too excited or something
so i left my room and shoot, my key.... it's in the room
and gone thru some tiring procedures, i got my key back

so i walked+ran to IMA; it's far about 20-30 minutes of walk+run
the building is beautiful very modern! full of facilities including gyms and swimming pool!
and many people of course!

at first it was really awkward cuz i dunno how to use one of the facilities
but then i got along well afterward!
worked out real well and walked+ran back to dorm

and found out the moon is so huge! bigger than taiwan's!
so i decided to take pictures of it!
i'll show u the pic later once i upload them on flickr!!

and now i'm tired!! it's only like 10 pm and i'm tired... cuz i worked out :)
i'll go to IMA sometime this week and next week and in the future definitely!!
i feel so healthy now lol!

1 comment:

  1. = = sorry for my ignorance, but how can a moon be bigger in some places if they follow you all the time??? XD
