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Aug 14, 2010

busy busy busy

went to back to AST this friday!
met people and i had a feeling of "going back to school" which scared the hell out of me
(cuz i'm looking at the clock at handbells class and wondering when will the class end!!)

after school we went to bowling at TIGER sport
my first time lol didn't do well

then went to Tiger city and had dinner at Chilis
i loled really hard

and then went to sega for car racing
i loled even harder but i won alice twice haha
cuz she was drunk jk jk


had lunch with parents' old friend
had dinner with cousin
took photos at the restaurant called 黑壁 at Fengyuan

oh yeh and the Perseid meteor shower was awesome
i saw about 10-20 of them on friday 2 am
i also capture one of them successfully with my D90 :D

1 comment:

  1. Alice was very drunk! Even the Chili's waiter said so. LOLOLOL.
