can't sleep @@
it's impossible for me to get over this night D:
waist and back were in great pain!!!!
i wake my dad up and asked him what time was it
he said it was 2 something
what!? no way!!
so he read something to me and fed me water and food
later he asked nurse and doctor to give me some sleeping pills and pain killer
it was much better! i fell asleep later
when i was up it was about 9 or 10
family and friends came visit
and then i fell asleep again
when i was awake belle came to visit
and it was about time for me to discharge from hospital
we talked for a bit
and i'm free cuz it's 24 hours from the surgery :))
i sat up and it's so dizzy!!!
nurse removed my IV
and i got of my bed and it was even dizzier!!
i haven't walked for more than 24 hours!!!
family started to pack up
we left the room and then left the hospital
andrew drove the car to pick us up
it's the place where i stay for 3 days
where i experience the extreme pain and happiness
where my disease was healed
it was an unforgettable journey!
and change some part of me!!
thanks for all the blessings and visits my family and friends!
i told me mom,
"i want to visit the surgery place later on..."