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Sep 14, 2015

photos from Japan trip

Chandler and his backpack Gentle stream Magnolia Capturing the afternoon Zen Phantom orchid Field in the garden Should we take a walk? Chandler Under the maple tree Hydrangea Hanazono Shrine Chandler with sunglasses Busy Shinjuku street Untitled Glance Futuristic? View from the tower Night at the shrine Nightwalk Nightwalk 2 Nightwalk 3 Asakusa Shrine Jizo statues Chandler with statues Suddenly, a cat appeared It looked back Shower in the midday Chandler Concerned cat Rainy street School field City Tokyo Bulevard Pipeline Cityview Fork

long time no post

hey guys.
i've not been posting at all for the past five months
mostly due to my laziness and having someone to share my thoughts with.

to summarize
Chandler and I moved to Ballard.
It looks super homey. there're Ikea furnitures and lots of plants, lots :)
We made a trip to Taiwan and Japan during the summer
it was a blast (I have also finally finished processing the photos I took in Japan, you can take a look of them in the next post).
research's been going not as well.
i have extended my one year masters all the way into fall quarter :(
i just can't get the results with the cells i am using right now (NRVMs)
i did, however, got really nice results with human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes.

anyway, all summer i've been going to the lab. been pretty occupied but at the same time i slept so much.
i wonder if it's the medication.

ok that's the brief summary of my late spring and summer.
i'll update my blog more frequently i promise.

Apr 2, 2015

start of spring quarter

so i did not do anything exciting over the spring break.
stayed home and went to lab.

first week of school went well
i like my advance drug delivery class. no midterm no final just presentation and literature review.
also doing TA for a class the quarter less student so it should not be as bad as the one during autumn quarter. and i'm also getting paid about 14 dollar an hour
research is going well. some cells responded to the stimulation but now i want to wait for NRVM cuz they will definitely respond better than C2C12.

for April fools this is what i did.

bf got fooled.

not related to april fools i also made these paper cranes they're big too. super cute.

Mar 23, 2015


hey guys, i've been busy with my lab recently.
going to my lab almost everyday...
bf is gone for the week. feeling so lonely...

finished my final last Monday. got my grade back today I got a 87.5. (the highest grade in my class was 93.3; with an average of 76)
and i got a 3.8 for that class :D
it was a fun class. i really enjoyed it

i'm technically on my spring break now but sadly i don't have any exciting plan
oh well. just working in my lab everyday.
cells are doing way better. gonna do electric stimulation sometime this week.
hopefully they'll respond to the stimulation!!

spring quarter starts next monday.
i'm taking one class and also i'm the grade for my professor's class.

have i mentioned that i've been smoking way less!?
the last time I smoked was last wednesday and I only had two cigarettes.
the medication (Wellbutrin) i'm taking is definitely reducing my desire to smoke
also i've been drinking less too.
probably from the medication as well.

Mar 7, 2015

sorry for the lack of updates guys

i've been doing well. there's some ups and downs in my relationship. we are both seeing a couple counseling now which should be really beneficial for both of us.

it's going to be week 10 last week of school.
then i have a final

still working really hard on my thesis.
cells are definitely doing a lot better
but they still did not respond to electric stimulation :(

also i got two cat shirt recently.

pusheen and little gray cat

Feb 13, 2015

busy week

hey guys
sorry i've been super busy with research
have been running back and forth between Foege and SLU
I have two experiment running simultaneously
next week i'm going to start two more experiments
that means there will be four!!!
cells are looking better and better, so I guess i'm doing something right...

had my midterm this monday
i got 80 and the average was 76
so i guess i did well.
could be better though.

also i've been pretty depressed since the past 2 weeks
have been a little dramatic. had some arguments with the bf
went in for my appointment with my doctor and he prescribed me another medication called bupropion damn so many pills
also went in for my appointment with my counselor
we talked about how i can feel better about myself as well as ways to improve my relationship with my bf.

Feb 3, 2015


Today I woke and the first thing I saw was another rejection from my job application
Then my day proceed to be alright.
Went to had lunch then the fire alarm went off so I had to bring my lunch to somewhere else and finish it
Being so productive so far
I hope the rest of the day will go well but I doubt it.

Also I just called our state representative about internet neutrality through tumblr. 
Hate corporations.

Also I found these around the campus

That's why I don't care about football or sports in general. They're all just about the money.

Feb 2, 2015

week 5: some updates

got an email back from the company i applied to. they said no.
so i applied 5 positions today (of different companies)
hopefully I would hear some good news in the next few weeks.

stomach wasn't happy for three days since last friday, but it's recovered now.
i guess i have been drinking too much last week. last week was soooooo eventful, i need alcohol to socialize though :(
wednesday was wells, friday was house party, saturday had double date at Umi and party at Q, and Sunday was super bowl.

been very busy with research.
new cells have not been doing well :(
i'll just keep doing more experiments
hopefully everything would work out.

damn it's week 5 already....

Jan 23, 2015

week 3 is almost over

class is going well. enjoy it a lot.
love taking one class so i have more time and my schedule is a lot more flexible.

lab is going alright.
starting experimenting with another cell type cuz the cells I'm working with right now is being a big bitch.

and guess what? I booked the tickets going to Taiwan this June with my bf!
i'm so excited to show him around where i grew up.
he's also never been to Asia so it will definitely be a fun trip for him.

there're ups and downs in my personal life.
recently, i've been a bit more irritated.

I've started my therapy today with my psychiatrist
I like her a lot and i think we will work really well together
the session today was great. I think i know where a lot of my issues are coming from
because the only source of my social interaction and attention is from my bf. whenever, he's not paying enough attention to me, i feel jealous.
also I've had a twin brother (which is like my best friend) for such a long time, I don't know how to approach other and make friends.
I also have jealous and bitterness issue of others.

today she gave me a task of writing down things that make me unhappy and things that make me happy
and we're going to analyze them together when i meet with her next week.
i hope my therapy will help me to become a better person :)

Jan 8, 2015

week 1 is almost over

so far i've been super productive on my first week of school.
i had a good break so i'm completely ready for this quarter
i'm taking only one class BIOEN 577 cell and protein interaction.
i like it and i'm going to learn so much from the class.

because i'm taking only one class i have so much time to do things i want to do.

have been working in lab too.
gotta get some nice data this quarter or else i'm screwed.

let's see what else...
oh i will also be starting mental therapy soon
i really want to be a happy person... depression is not fun.

oh and i'm slowly working out my schedule
i want to start working out too.